23.03.2024, 22:03 66381

Terrorist attack in the Russian Crocus City Hall

Terrorist attack in the Russian Crocus City Hall
Images | russian.news.cn
The death toll in the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall in Moscow Region has grown to 133, Russia’s Investigative Committee said on Saturday.

Emergency services are continuing to dig through rubble from the building, which was partially destroyed in a massive fire sparked by the attackers.

The tally had previously stood at 115 but is feared to grow further, given the scale of destruction inflicted on the concert hall. Over 150 people were wounded in the attack.

At least four suspects armed with assault rifles stormed the venue on Friday evening ahead of a rock concert. The attackers entered the concert hall, shooting civilians at point-blank range, and set it on fire.

The suspects fled the scene after the attack, but were eventually apprehended by Russian law enforcement near the country’s border in Bryansk Region. According to preliminary findings, the attackers were seeking to cross into Ukraine.


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